Exploration Deck Viewing Gallery of Raffles City Chongqing
Chongqing, China
Facts and Statistics
Name of the tower *
The Crystal of Raffles City Chongqing
Name of restaurant(s) / bar(s)
N / A
Seating capacity
N / A
If revolving, how long does it take to complete a revolution?
N / A
Does the tower have an adventure element - if yes, what is it?
Skywalk and Skyswing
How many observation decks/levels does the tower have? *
more than 1200㎡ of observation decks both outdoor and indoor
Height of observation deck(s) (specify meters or feet) *
Height of restaurant(s) (specify meters or feet)
N / A
How many stories is the tower?
How many windows does the tower have?
N / A
How many flights of stairs lead to the top? *
How many years did its construction take?
more 8 years
Date of inauguration *
30.MAY 2020
Capacity of elevator(s) in number of persons *
15 persons per elevator
Capacity (in persons) of elevator(s) per hour *
more than 300 persons
Elevator(s) speed (km/h) *
N / A
Max. people working on the tower at any given time during its construction
N / A
Maximum design wind speed (km/h)
N / A
Maximum diameter of shaft
N / A
Minimum diameter of shaft
N / A
Name of elevator manufacturer
N / A
Number of elevators *
Number of broadcasting facilities
N / A
Sway of antenna(s) from core
N / A
Total construction cost (in USD)
N / A
Total weight of tower (metric tonnes)
N / A
Unique features of observatory(ies)
N / A
Fun facts about the tower
N / A
Fun facts about the observatory
N / A
Height from base to top of antennas (ft and meters)
Moshe Safdie
WSP and Arup

Contact Info
Ms Cheng nan
Raffles City Chongqing, Changjiang Binjiang Road, Yuzhong District, Chongqing, China